Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010

I FIGURED OUT MOODLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok...I got that out of my system. :) As I said, I figured out moodle (or at least I think I did). It really didn't take long to do my moodle project at all. I think I am going to turn it in tonight. I was proud of myself for figuring it out. I was unsure of how to use it in a kindergarten classroom though, so I went back to my days in 5th grade. I did my project on 5 topics in grammar. I think it went well. I think that moodle could have been a little more user friendly, but overall, it was ok.

Now I need to do the wiki and that is actually the one I have been dreading. I am not sure what to write or add. But, it's the last one. (Yay!)

I got feedback on my site last night and I was fairly happy with how it went. As the overachiever I tend to be, I kept going over things with my husband. ("I should've....) He finally said, "You did good on soemthing you had no idea how to do. You're fine." I guess he's right. I'll be settling down now. :)

When does the class actually end? I am leaving for Florida May 15. Hopefully everything will be wrapped up by then. I need to check that out today.

Have a great one!!

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